I think BLOGNASIUM is a cool name for a blog. I do not have a good reason for publishing this instance. I have already written this elsewhere within this blog. “I have too many blogs.“
I would… like to have a “greater purpose” for this publication. So far I have not found it. One problem… I keep lamenting about having no purpose. That’s my personal problem. I should not feel guilty.
Maybe I will change the name to Sobnasium? Naw…
… just stop crying…
Blognasim is currently an experiment. I have said that before. So, I need not express guilt. There! I feel better already! Ha!
It’s just a place to exercise blogging. Thus, I will keep the name.
OK, now I have that settled (again). Egad!
(mental note): Gotta stop flogging myself. Oh!… maybe Flognasium<G>
The “Private” area is nothing important either. Currently, I just have some photo galleries posted. Again, a test area for the blog software. Example: Adobe Lightroom creates galleries. They look better than the stock WordPress galleries. It’s a test to see how I can use it with WordPress.
There are many other galleries specifically designed for WordPress, so I have lots of options. I already own Lightroom.
If you are someone I know and are interested or just curious about the Members Only section, just ask (in comments) and I will give you access. Don’t expect wonderful things, though… <G>