Category: Administration

  • Poor Blognasium

    Poor Blognasium

    I think BLOGNASIUM is a cool name for a blog. I do not have a good reason for publishing this instance. I have already written this elsewhere within this blog. “I have too many blogs.“ I would… like to have a “greater purpose” for this publication. So far I have not found it. One problem……

  • New Look

    New Look

    Just dug into the customization features for the template on this website. It  is WordPress Twenty Twenty-Two. Never took the time to really dig in deep and see all the options. There are quite a few. It’s a rather complex process. That’s why I put it off for a while. But this is my Word…

  • Identify the Source

    Identify the Source

    I took the time to do a total revamp of my personal email system. I have total control of my mail system including the domain name(s).  I won’t get into specifics for security reasons. Let’s say I have total control other than turning on the power to the server. I can’t do a hardware reboot. …

  • Playing With Blocks

    Playing With Blocks

    The first purpose for resurrecting Blognasium is to have a non-critical blog site for experimentation. In a previous post I mentioned I intended to use Drupal. My web service provider doesn’t seem to support Drupal.  No sweat. I am instead running a fairly stock WordPress site. The template is called 2022. (Last years version) I…

  • Website Sandhog

    Website Sandhog

    Must be a lot of starving artists. I am referring to webmaster artists. Blognasium is less than a week old. It is my experimental blog. I have no intention of making BLOGNASIUM number one in some hypothetical search engine. Yet there have been several pathetic (and probably starving) self appointed web experts who can’t wait…

  • Almost Drupal

    Almost Drupal

    As can easily be seen, Blognasium is clearly a WordPress website. This wasn’t my first intention.  I really wanted to give another Content Management System (CMS) called Drupal a try.  I have used Drupal years ago. It’s similar to Joomla but I found much more demanding to manage. It’s a CMS that is really designed…